On May 31, the representatives of the project “4.0 READY. STRENGTHENING SME CAPACITY TO ENGAGE IN INDUSTRY 4.0” visited Conor Sports. This project is framed within the Interreg Europe 2014-2020 program and focuses on the sharing of different initiatives and good practices between the partner regions to improve territorial policies to support the implementation of industry 4.0 in SMEs .
At Conor Bikes, the European representatives (Navarra, Tuscany (as leading partner), Wallonia, Bucharest, Helsinki, Silesia and Lithuania) were able to learn about our philosophy and check the transition process towards industry 4.0 that we have launched. Our CEO Javier Orbaiceta placed special emphasis on the strategic reflection process and how the subsidies available for this process have been used. Firstly, carrying out a digital transformation plan subsidized by the Government of Navarra and, subsequently, a project to implement 4.0 technologies, specifically in the implementation of our smart warehouse. For the implementation of this warehouse, a grant was received within the call for "Aid for Investment in Industrial SMEs 2021" from the DG for Business Policy, International Projection and Labor, benefiting from the highest score awarded in the competitive bidding process among companies that present a Digital Transformation Plan.
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